All’iniziativa ha partecipato attivamente una fetta di pallanuoto italiana: Alex Giorgetti, in particolare, si è adoperato perché tra i cimeli messi all’asta ci fossero una polo e una calottina della Pro Recco autografate dai giocatori liguri, un costume e una polo del Settebello firmate dagli atleti della Nazionale. Nel lotto all’asta – i cimeli sono in vendita tutti insieme – figurano anche un pallone autografato dai giocatori del Ferencvaros e un costume speciale, con i colori e i nomi dei giocatori dell’Ungheria medaglia d’oro ai Mondiali 2013.
L’asta si chiuderà alla mezzanotte del 6 maggio. Per partecipare, si può lasciare un’offerta (5mila fiorini ungheresi, 16 euro, il rialzo minimo) nei commenti al link sulla pagina Facebook della Nazionale ungherese (clicca qui). Il denaro andrà poi versato sul conto corrente aperto dalla Caritas di Pecs e che già era stato utilizzato per la campagna Community for Tamas Ambrus, avviata da Gyorgy Szeles e Andrea Razzi:
IBAN: HU24 1173 1001 2015 9443 0000 0000
Titolo: Ambrus Tamás
The editorial staff provides special items for auction on Vlv facebook page. The relics came in the last period of serious illnesses of the 61-time national team goalkeeper Tamás Ambrus to help the healing process and expenses of the family. Tamas died on 16 April, in memory of the collected objects, and to help the family place in imaginary under the hammer.The relics of the collection of solidarity in order to set up next to the Community for Tamás Ambrus facebook page (György Szeles and Andrea Razzi) initiative. György Szeles designed the unique swimsuit “the 2013 world champion Hungarian Water Polo team for Ambrus Tamás!” inscription, and the red-white-green color of the apparel world champions and you can see the signature of the attachement facsimile.
The team of Ferencváros reached the League semifinals and signed the ball for that contribute to the auction.
Tamas Ambrus has protected the goal for three years in Florence, and after his return to Hungary, at the beginning of his coaching career they called him back as coach for four years, and he was the complete youth selection director for 4 years. In Italy, close to it, as shown by evidence that the news of the illness more severe events were organised and charitable news-light of the regulations governing the auction-specific objects at the Vlv was forwarded to: Pro Recco, a t-shirt and a cap, of course, the handwritten signature, and the Italian national team shirt under a swimsuit-Italian national team both with increasingly.. Relics separate came from Italy and we thank for the mother’s side hungarian , Pro Recco player Alex Giorgetti who playes in the italian national team and who helped a lot for the Community for Tamás Ambrus facebook page (Szeles György, Andrea Razzi)
The auction rules!!! The objects are together in the auction The bidding for the vlv facebook page licit place link: ( ). For the duration of the auction, the bids are accepted only during the post, the other postings gonna be moderated. (Comment on the facebook site or under the article published here below.)
At the same time, the Act of auction must also be sent to email address, this offer is only valid in this case. (This, by the way, we’ll contact the winner.) The first bid was 50,000HUF (hngarian forint 170€), this is the ideal offer for vlv editorial office will start the auction. every 5000HUF -( 17€) bids are accepted, so ending the first offer from about 55.000HUF, 60.000HUF and so on. The auction two days later, on 6 may, closes at midnight on Wednesday!!!
The PSN Zrt. initiative of the Pécsi Egyházmegyei Katolikus Karitász opened a separate bank account, is expected to continue to do so until the end of may-the family intended for donations.
International Account number
IBAN: HU24 1173 1001 2015 9443 0000 0000
Title: Ambrus Tamás
(write-in announcement: the winner of the auction)
The same account number to deposit the amount of which is set at midnight on May 6, the licit winner who wins the ‘ auction ‘ remark, he should pay within 10 days of completion. If this does not happen, then the runner-up (winner) has become entitled to be paid the amount of the last round, on its own, and the second becomes a winner (and so on).
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