lunedì 9 marzo 2015

Brescia ties in final seconds

After round 17 in the Italian league Brescia still leads the way. But it was a close call for the northeners who faced Acquachiara on Saturday. Brescia were held to a first draw of the season after an incredible 16 straight wins but but even could be happy with that considering that Acquachiara led the score in the match's final phase before Guillermo Molina (pictured) came to the rescue on man-up with just 8 seconds remaining. His score meant a 7-7 draw and consolation of the league's top spot. In other results on Saturday Euro Cup finalists Posillipo marched on in a recent successful stretch this time beating Bogliasco 16-7 at home. Montenegrin driver Aleksandar Radovic, recently announcing his return to the Montenegrin national team, is getting back his old form scoring a game-high 5 goals for the winners. Lazio held off last ranked Florentia in a high-scoring encounter, thanks to a strong 1-5 start, 11-16. USA international Josh Samuel led all scorers with 5. Savona meanwhile is still in 5th place on the table as they topped Como in a close game 8-9. The home team came back in the final period but a critical goal by Jacopo Colombo for the visitors saved the victory. Sport Management made us of Acquachiara's draw by beating Roma Vis Nova 6-8 and now trail 3rd seed Acquachiara just 3 points. Last week's Italian cup winners Pro Recco did the same but in their case benefited from Brescia's tie as they rolled past CC Napoli at home and have now reduced the gap to the first place to just a single point.

Italian league
17th round

Saturday 07-03:

C.N.POSILLIPO vs. R.N.BOGLIASCO 16-7 (2-1, 5-3, 3-0, 6-3)
C.N.POSILLIPO: Caruso E., Dolce V. 1, Briganti L., Foglio G., Klikovac F. 1, Radovic A. 5, Renzuto Iodice V. 1, Gallo V. 4, Russo E., Bertoli Z. 3, Mandolini J. 1, Saccoia P., Negri T.

R.N.BOGLIASCO: Prian E., De Trane M. 1, Di Somma A. 1, Gavazzi F. 1, Di Somma E. 2, Ravina R., Loomis S., Monari M., Boero G. 2, Guidaldi G., Guidi M., Deserti A., Pellegrini P.

CARPISA YAMAMAY ACQUACHIARA vs. A.N.BRESCIA 7-7 (3-2, 1-2, 1-1, 2-2)
CARPISA YAMAMAY ACQUACHIARA: Caprani F., Perez A., Rossi S., Ferrone M., Scotti Galletta A., Petkovic A. 2, Lanzoni G., Marziali L. 4, Luongo S. 1, Valentino G., Astarita M., Gitto M., La Moglia A.

A.N.BRESCIA: Del Lungo M., Bruni L., Presciutti C. 1, Pagani F., Molina G. 3, Rizzo V., Giorgi D. 1, Nora A., Presciutti N., Bodegas M. 2, Fiorentini D., Napolitano C., Dian B.

R.N.FLORENTIA vs. S.S. LAZIO NUOTO 11-16 (1-5, 3-3, 4-3, 3-5)

R.N.FLORENTIA: Mugelli L., Gambacorta F. 4, Generini G., Coppoli F. 2, Panerai F., Dani L. 1, Brancatello C., Liang, Gragnani G., Gobbi L. 4, Ercolano, Tan, Cicali M.

S.S. LAZIO NUOTO: Vespa L., Samuels J. 5, Di Rocco L., Sacco, Gianni G. 1, Colosimo F. 2, Cannella G., Vittorioso A. 2, Leporale M. 1, Calcaterra A. 4, Maddaluno R. 1, Mele A., Correggia V.

COMO NUOTO vs. CARISA RARI NANTES SAVONA 8-9 (2-3, 2-3, 2-2, 2-1)
COMO NUOTO: Oliva P., Foti F., Krizman 1, Susak S., Busilacchi T., Ferraris J. 1, Milakovic K. 5, M. Jelaca, Pellegatta J., Pagani E., Gaffuri F., Cesini D. 1, Garancini L.

CARISA RARI NANTES SAVONA: Antona S., Alesiani J., Damonte L. 1, Colombo J. 1, Bianco L., Giunta , Mistrangelo F. 1, Fulcheris L., Bianco G., Tomasic M. 1, Agostini A., Fiorentini G. 5, Zerilli N.

ROMA VIS NOVA PN vs. BPM PN SPORT MANAGEMENT 6-8 (2-2, 2-3, 1-2, 1-1)
ROMA VIS NOVA PN: Bonito M., Pappacena S. 3, Murro D., Mirarchi C. 1, Banovac I., Parisi M., Di Basilio Giacomo, Innocenzi C. 1, Vitola F., Rigo M., Reynolds, Cuccovillo N. 1.

BPM PN SPORT MANAGEMENT: Volarevic G., Luongo M. 3, Binchi L., Zimonjic P., Filipovic D. 2, Di Fulvio A., Ivovic B., Di Fulvio C., Lapenna M. 2, Bini G., Razzi A. 1, Sadovyy O., Conti M.

PRO RECCO N. E PN vs. C.C. NAPOLI 12-6 (3-1, 2-1, 4-2, 3-2)

PRO RECCO N. E PN: Tempesti S., Prlainovic 1, Pijetlovic 2, Giorgetti A. 1, Felugo M. 1, Giacoppo M. 1, Di Fulvio F. 1, Figari N. 1, Fondelli A. 1, Gitto N. 3, Pastorino G.

C.C. NAPOLI: Turiello P., Buonocore F., Di Costanzo L., Migliaccio M. 1, Brguljan Da. 1, Borrelli B. 1, Ronga F., Campopiano E., Mattiello G. 1, Velotto A. 2, Esposito U., Vassallo G.

The standings are now as follows:

1. AN Brescia 17 - 49 pts
2. Pro Recco N. E PN 17 - 48
3. Carpisa Yamamay Acquachiara 17 - 38
4. BPM PN Sport Management 17 - 35
5. Carisa RN Savona 17 - 25
6. CN Posillipo 17 - 23
7. Como Nuoto 17 - 19
8. CC Napoli 17 - 19
9. RN Bogliasco 17 - 18
10. SS Lazio Nuoto 17 - 16
11. Roma Vis Nova PN 17 - 6
12. RN Florentia 17 - 4

Top scorers: 
1. Antonio Petkovic (Acquachiara) - 50 goals
2. Andrija Prlainovic (Pro Recco) - 41
3. Aleksandar Radovic (Posillipo) - 39

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