venerdì 28 novembre 2014

3rd FINA World Aquatics Convention Doha -Qatar (29. Novembeer - 1. December 2014

Under the theme ‘Aquatics – Engaging for Success’, the conference programme looks at successes from both inside and outside Aquatics, helping the Aquatics family to reflect internally on the most successful areas from the past years, as well as find inspiration for the future from external sources.
From development, sponsorship, partnerships, marketing, hosting and events, and media, dedicated experts will weigh in on what it takes to succeed in each of these areas, helping Aquatics strive for continued success in the future.
The conference programme includes the following sessions:
17:00-18:00 – Welcome speeches
• Dr. Julio C. Maglione, FINA President

• HE Sheikh Saoud bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, Secretary General of the Qatar Olympic Committee and CEO of Doha 2014

• Prof. Jan-Anders Månson, Professor and Director of the Polymer and Composite Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Innovation in sport – on and behind the stage)
09:00-09:30 – Opening
The session introduces the FINA World Aquatics Convention and the FINA World Calendar.

• Cornel Marculescu, FINA Executive Director
10:00-11:00 – Host City Strategies
The secrets of developing and sustaining legacy.

Over the years, Host cities have taken on a keen interest in developing and expanding their sport strategies and their contributions play a vital part in ensuring the success of a FINA event. 

The FINA Convention aims at exploring how FINA events can help support cities in their long-term development plans. With a point of view from a host city, participants will have a first-hand look at the factors that host cities take into consideration when welcoming FINA events. 

Moderator: Husain Al Musallam, FINA Vice President

• Vladimir Leonov, 16th FINA World Championships, Kazan 2015
• Peter Knowles, 13th FINA World Swimming Championships, Windsor 2016
• Kiril Todorov, 17th FINA World Championships, Guadalajara 2017
• Tamas Gyarfas, 19th FINA World Championships, Budapest 2021
11:30-12:30 – The Spectator Experience
Exceeding expectations of the audience.

Delivering a standout event is challenging. Contributions from all stakeholders plays a vital part in ensuring the success of an event, but is there a way to expand an event’s success so that it exceeds expectations? What are the key areas that a host can focus on in order to bring value before, during and after an event – making it go from good to great?

This session aims at finding the key success factors to promoting an outstanding event. 

Moderator: Paolo Barelli, FINA Honorary Secretary

• Jon Long, Head of Strategic Management and Support Services, International Cricket Council (ICC) (Twenty20 Cricket) 
• Patrick LaForge, President and Chief Operating Officer, Oilers Entertainment Group
• Greg Bowman, Founder, Great Big Events
12:30-14:00 – Lunch
14:00-15:00 – The Social Challenge
Connecting fans in a multi-channel world.

With social media and internet accelerating the pace of distribution of content to viewers worldwide, it is important to keep up with media trends to ensure that your content is maximised. How can the Aquatics family use these new media streams to accelerate fan engagement and inspire audiences to follow them? 

Discussion will be about latest trends in terms of making media streams an exceptional tool that will extract the best of Aquatics and looking at the best distribution channels to engage with the public. 

Moderator: TBA

• Peter Diamond, Senior Vice President, Programming, NBC Olympics
• Koji Sato, Deputy General Manager of Sports Division, TV Asahi
• Thiago Mereilles, Sports Product Manager, TV Globo
• Guzel Gabbasova, Head of the Advertising and PR Department, Kazan 2015
15:30-16:30 – Realising Your Brand Value
Creating an attractive commercial property.

Sponsoring is essential in the growth and development of Aquatics, whether it is for individuals, clubs, national teams or events. 

Sponsors are always looking for the best match up, the dream team of partnerships that will create an exceptional connection and bring a big added value to both brands. But how can a federation best use its brand to attract the top sponsors? And what does it take to increase that rate of success? 

In this session federations will hear from top brands who developed successful sponsor partnerships. They will also explain the challenges and the opportunities they faced and share insights into what made the match successful.

Moderator: Dennis Miller, FINA Vice President

• Thomas Schweizer, SWISS TIMING Ltd
• Mitsuo Murakami, Yakult
• Trevor Tiffany, Chairman of the Board, Myrtha Pools
17:00-18:00 – From the Eyes of the Athlete
An inside look at the changing Aquatics landscape.

This exclusive interview session will provide participants with a unique opportunity to gain insights from some of the most prominent leaders in the Aquatics world. 

Drawing on their vast experience in Aquatics, these leaders will help give an insider’s point of view on how the landscape of the sport has changed and their thoughts on the key areas Aquatics should focus on for the future in order to continue being successful.

Moderator: James Hickman, Global Sports Marketing Manager, Speedo

• Aaron Peirsol, 5x Olympic gold medallist 
• Alexander Popov, 4x Olympic gold medallist 
• Penny Heyns, 2x Olympic gold medallist
• Tamas Molnar, 3x Olympic gold medallist
• Huang Xuechen, FINA World Cup Gold medallist
09:00-10:00 – Swimming for All, Swimming for Life Programme
Adding social responsibility to FINA activities.

FINA, whose slogan is 'Water is our World', has a fundamental objective: to promote and encourage the development of Aquatics in all possible regards throughout the world. 

To achieve this mission, in addition to other activities already carried out, FINA will launch in Doha a special programme named 'Swimming for All – Swimming for Life' with the goal to teach children how to swim and to promote physical activity through swimming across the globe. 

This programme will offer standard criteria to teach swimming at the global scale and will mostly be carried out in those countries on the five continents that need it most. In this context, swimming will be more accessible, democratising its practise. 

FINA and some of its partners in this initiative will present the delegates with the strategy for the years to come. 

Moderator and main speaker: Dr. Julio C. Maglione, FINA President 

Distinguished guests: 
• Mr Wilfried Lemke, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace United Nations Under-Secretary-General
• Mr Khaleel Al Jabir, President of Qatar Swimming Association and CEO of Doha 2014
• Mr Arnaldo Fuxa, Chairman in the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Committee for Physical Education and Sport (CIGEPS)
• Mr Alexander Schischlik, Chief of Section for the Youth and Sport team at UNESCO
• Mr Anton Subowo, President and Director of Brantwood International Limited
10:30-11:30 – New Horizons
How Aquatics disciplines continue to innovate.

Aquatics has a strong history and has made great strides to become a leader in sport. In order to continue this success, it must continue to create an even stronger future for all disciplines in the Aquatics programme. 

This session offers a unique opportunity to hear from the sports in the Aquatics family. Leaders from FINA disciplines will discuss the new prospects available and offer new insights that can expand and develop the sport. 

Moderator: Alan Abrahamson, Television Analyst and Founder of 3 Wire Sports

• Jean-Paul Clemençon, FINA Water Polo Innovation Commission Member
• Ed Evelly, FINA Masters Committee Member 
• Lisa Schott, FINA Technical Synchronised Swimming Committee Member and President, Aquatic Federation of Canada
• Kathy Seaman, FINA Technical Diving Committee Chairperson
• Thomas Gompf, FINA Technical High Diving Committee Member
• Colin Hill, FINA Open Water Mass Events
11:30-14:00 – Lunch
14:00-15:00 – Beyond the Pool Deck
How Aquatics can stay at the top of the Olympic Programme.

This session will provide participants with a unique opportunity to gain insights from prominent athletes in all disciplines across Aquatics. 

Drawing on their unique experiences, this group of carefully selected athletes will give their view on how Aquatics can continue to stay at the top of the Olympic sporting programme and continue being successful for many years to come. 

Moderator: Lars Haue-Pedersen, Managing Director, TSE Consulting

• Brenda Villa, 4x Olympic medallist and World Champion (Water Polo), Co-founder of Project 2020
• Katinka Hosszu, 3x Hungarian Olympian, 2x Olympic Finalist, 3x World Champion, and 9x European Champion (Swimming)
• Petar Stoychev, World Champion (Open Water Swimming) and Member of the FINA Athletes’ Committee
• Orlando Duque, World Champion (High Diving)
• Britta Kamrau, European and World Swimming Champion and member of the FINA Athletes Commission/Athletes Committee
15:30-16:30 – Creating Outstanding Development Programmes
Case studies from National Federations.

This interactive session is an opportunity to hear successful stories about programmes for facilitating and accelerating development and growth from grassroots to high performance. 

Outstanding National Federation speakers will present highlights of programmes that excelled in their country and region, sharing key lessons, and the secrets to their prosperity with the Aquatics family. 

Moderator: Dale Neuburger, FINA Vice President

• Olivier Niamkey, Olympic Solidarity, International Olympic Committee
• Erdem Sezer, Director, Turkish Swimming Federation and Turkcell 
• Jin Teik Oon, Singapore Swimming Association 
• Dr. D.Rukare, President, Uganda Swimming Federation
• Dr.Edgar Ivan Ortiz Lizcano, Colombian Swimming Federation
17:00-18:00 – Moving Aquatics Forward
A strategy for continued success.

A discussion panel that will include representation from coaches, Aquatics leaders and sport media. 

The discussion will be run as a debate that focuses on strategies for continuing the success of Aquatics in all areas. It will revolve around the question: What is the strategy for continued success in Aquatics?

Moderator: Sam Ramsamy, FINA Vice President

• Gianni Merlo, President, International Sport Press Association
• Shane Tusup, Katinka Hosszu’s coach and Founder, Toos Sports Agency
• Michael Scott, Performance Director, Australian Swimming Federation
18:00-18:15 – Closing
• Dr. Julio C. Maglione, FINA President
• Cornel Marculescu, FINA Executive Director

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